Getting our Monday started with another ACU-RITE DRO203 system installed today is just the warm up for what's coming next!

This ACU-RITE® System is the most popular for a reason. Offering many more options than the ACU-RITE® 100 which is the most basic system that ACU-RITE® offers sets it in the win column. The DRO100 is for the hobbyist, or someone who only needs the bare minimum of features.
This system was purchased for a #Bridgeport #mill but ACU-RITE® offers systems for #lathes too. This system: 13 x 35" comes with all the supporting bracketry needed , the SENC 150 linear encoders, the display, all the bracketry & our very skilled technicians assisted in choosing the right system, sizing
And there is a system to fit your machine. From the chart below you get a quick look at the different system that ACU-RITE® offers. If you need extremely long scales then HEIDENHAIN is for you.

HEIDENHAIN provides tape scales which perform the accurate measurements you need but are housed in a tape scale housing which fits together nicely so that the accuracy will go the distance! Our recent sale to a #machinetoolbuilder included twice the parts as this was for a very large machine tool. They ordered the and received all of the product & we dropped it off at their door. Before doing that we had followed the development of this order since it was so large, and built in Germany. Mike Rossi checked the product against their order before taking it to them. Whether you just need a simple 12 x 24" DRO system, a #turningsystem #tapescales or just an #acu_ritedisplay, Rossi Machinery Services is your authorized #ACU_RITE and #HEIDENHAIN distributor. Our expert technicians can help you with the right scale, and the installation.
Wonder what it will cost to upgrade, replace or install? Call us 866-622-4488