As machine tool rebuilders, we like a challenge. Many of our rebuilds are still on the production floor 20+ years, but times are changing.
Finding parts for rebuilds is sometimes a problem. They are either non-existent or so costly (only one in the Country & priced high). Naturally we continue to find work arounds. Supply chain, cost of materials and machine builders closing has made this challenge sometimes impossible.
Because we are dedicated to our customers, finding affordable solutions is what we do. As the industry began rapidly changing after the Pandemic, we doubled down on finding ways to help. Many times we come up with solutions that will at least "buy the customer time" with their machines.
A few years ago, we began working with other machine tool companies to offer more than our other products that we offer. What makes us different? We are still committed to providing the TWO quotes: Rebuild the machine or Replace the machine.

Between ACER, LeBlond & K.O. Lee, we offer affordable new machine tools. From mills, lathe, grinders to band saws & more.
This year we have provided 98% of our customers rebuild or replace quotes.
Not all machines are rebuild worthy. By that we mean that many of the very cheap machine tools don't have the quality, parts or ability to be rebuild. By this we mean that rebuilding the machine would cost more than the machine is worth.
Believe it or not some machines were produced to be affordable & disposable.
Our business model is to provide honest, sensible, & affordable solutions. Because we provide both rebuilding & new machines, we are not "in it for the sale". We want to help our customers decide what is best for them.
With our many machine tool offering, we can direct you to the best solution when buying. If we can't help you; we tell you. Customer Service is our mission & for over 27 years we have provided this to manufacturing.

LeBlond lathe placed in Akron is just one of the LeBlond sold this year. Known for over 100 years of excellence, LeBlond has a lathe for you.
ACER , LeBlond make excellent replacement machine tools. What are your applications?
Rebuilding remains an important service that most sales companies won't even offer, we do both. Our work is excellent. The only question that remains is "Do you want a rebuild, or a replacement: CNC or manual machines are available.

#cncmachines #manufacturing #manualmachinesales #machinetoolrebuilding #quality #customerservice #productivity #rossimachineryservices.
Visit us on: https://www.rmscnc.com