Another HOT SALE HAS DROPPED: Baileigh Industrial CNC Plasma Table Sales!
If you are even thinking of replacing equipment, or adding a piece of equipment , now is the time to check out our sales page. There's something for everyone.
This JULY has been a HOT ONE, especially here at Rossi Machinery Services, Inc.
We have never had so much equipment ON SALE. And we are proud to offer yet another sales event. This CNC Plasma Table Sale runs from July 12th through September 30, 2024 and Baileigh has all different models of the CNC plasma tables on sale.
PT-22; 110V, CNC PLASMA CUTTING TABLE. Includes the software package, Two Torch Holders and Waterbath: SALE: $4,999.00
PT-44AH-W, 220V, 1PH, 4' x 4' CNC PLASMA CUTTING TABLE w/Automatic Torch Height Control and Water Table. SALE: $13,999.00
PT-48AH-W; 220V, 1PH, 4' x 8' CNC PLASMA CUTTING TABLE w/Automatic Torch Height Control and Water Table. SALE: $14,999.00
PT-105HD-V2; 220V, 1 PH, 5' x 10' CNC PLASMA CUTTING TABLE Downdraft w/ Automatic Torch Height Control. SALE: $29,999.00
PT-105HD-W-V2; 220V, 1PH, 5' x 10' CNC PLASMA CUTTING WATER TABLE w/Automatic Torch Height Control. SALE: $29,999.00
As we continue to find new and better ways to help you increase your productivity and stay in your budgets, we invite you to follow us on social media, and on our promo page:
We have been able to replace a lot of equipment for a lot less. And we support and service all we sell. Give us a call.