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FALL INTO SAVINGS on Industrial Equipment: Vertical/Horiz. Bandsaw, Finger Brake or ACER Mill or Lathe.


When Fall arrives and the calendar flips to November, it is time for us to get new specials & promotions for your review. Fall into Savings: Vertical/Horiz. Bandsaw, Finger Brake or ACER Mill or Lathe are just some of the specials we have. Productivity is our focus and we like to offer specials and spotlight our different industrial equipment or machine tools for sale.

Fall into Savings on Industrial Equipment:


Lucky for all of us Baileigh Industrial is owned by JET Tool & Equipment. Why does it matter? JET allows each distributor the options of selling at list or some other amount.

JET does NOT allow the price to fall below their MAP, minimum allowable pricing.

We let you know this because we are a distributor that sells all of JET and their companies at MAP pricing, giving you an extra savings. We offer Free Shipping if you are over $2500.00 and in our sales area. And finally unlike catalogs, big box and many other distributors, we support and service all our sales; this includes the Baileigh Industrial products. We don't have to tell you that Baileigh Industrial has a long and good reputation for quality industrial machinery, parts, and machines. That's why we sell them. So this November fall into savings on this industrial equipment.

Baileigh Vertical/Horizontal Bandsaw:

Baileigh's Vertical View of the Vertical/Horiz. Bandsaw for sale.
This Baileigh Vertical/Horizontal Bandsaw is priced for any shop's budget.

 Above this Vertical/Horizontal Bandsaw lists for $3,193.85 but

YOUR PRICE IS: $2,599.00. This bandsaw meets our minimum for free shipping in our area!

Baileigh "Finger Brake":

Picture of the Baileigh heavy duty pan and box brake or "finger brake" on special this month.
Baileigh's Pan and Box Brake "Finger Brake" is our special this month.

The Baileigh "Finger Brake" or also known as a pan and box brake is a feature this month. Built as a heavy duty piece of equipment, that is manually operated and in stock as of this blog.

It lists for $13,161.64 but we are selling it at

YOUR PRICE: $10,839.00.

Meets the $2500.00 minimum for our sales radius.

There is plenty more to discuss on this "Finger Brake" and we encourage you to click on the link below to read more.


When it comes to ACER these two machine tools we sell are very popular. Built with the same quality as all their larger machine tools, these two machine tools are affordably priced.

The 3VS-II is so popular and valued priced that we have sold customers two at a time. Add the extras that come with ACER's Special Package Pricing and you will get more machine for the money. We encourage you to take a look.

Remember: Check the Specials/Promo Page.

We suggest that you check our Specials and Promotions Page often for the specials that we add as they come in. JET offers them regularly and we want to keep you in the loop.

In the meantime, check out November's Specials Now.


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From our world-class machine tool rebuilding to our many, machine tools, industrial equipment & product lines, we have the expertise to guide our customers through any project they have in mind. Our Prices are Unbeatable

Better Business Bureau A+ rating
  • German-style Machine Tool Rebuilds

  •  Installations, Leveling, & Alignments

  • Troubleshooting, Mechanical, Hydraulics 

  • Millpwr G2, Readout Installations.

1529 Cottage Street, Ashland, OH 44805

Located right between Cleveland & Columbus right off I-71. 

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