For Manufacturing Month: Our featured Machine Tool Today is Fryer's Tool Room Bed Mill: MB14R. This Fryer MB-14 Bed Mill for sale offers so many great features that one of our local customers puts them into all their plants!
Fryer's MB-14R Bed Mill For Sale:
MB-R Series: Summary
Toolroom Bed Mill with Rigid Spindle Head
Rigid Spindle & Optional Tool Changer
Compact size
Fast Set-Up and Programming
Perfect for Both Single or Multi Part Production
The MB-R series comes in three models for you to choose from:
MB-10R : 32" x 17" x 19"
MB-14R : 40" x 20" x 20" (our customer's choice)
MB-16R: 60" x 25" x 24"
The Fryer MB-R Series is the perfect mill for job shop and toolroom applications. Built to be the most accurate and reliable machine of its type, it is also extremely easy to use. Equipped with a rigid spindle and optional tool changer, this machine is capable of single or multi part production. The conversational control makes programming easy so even one off parts can be done quickly and efficiently.
Fryer does a great job of building a powerful machine that has the compact size, saving your shop room. Fryer's MB-R rigid spindle bed mill offers:
Ease Of Use
Fast set-up keys
Electronic handles for manual movement
"Do One" semi-automatic mode
Simple menu programming - no codes of any kind
Reads standard G & M codes from CAD-CAM systems
Solid model part verification
The key features of these bed mills are below. Built with the heavy duty Meehanite casting, Fryer adds the features to this strong machine base, including the automatic tool changer, and Absolute encoders, to name a few.
12 HP 8,000 RPM CAT-40 taper spindle
12 or 20 tool automatic tool changer
Rigid tapping with peck feature
Rugged heavy duty Meehanite castings
Absolute encoders - no homing required
Handwheel run feature
Like the VT Series that we looked at yesterday, Fryer uses the Siemens 828-HS control that has the same features:
Manual or CNC
Do-one mode
Teach mode
Conversational mode
Ultra reliable Siemens High Speed all digital control system
Regenerative drives save 40% electrical use
Digital drives provide better accuracy and surface finish
Absolute encoders never require you to ‘home’ machine
More about the Control:
The Fryer / Siemens 828-HS control is designed for ease of use in low volume toolroom and job shop facilities. Simple menu programming and fast set-up keys allow you make one-off parts in half the time of a manual machine. Multi mode operation allows you to use the machine manually, semi-automatic and full CNC mode. Canned cycles and graphic verify make set-up faster and easier.
The control features:
Geometry Creator:
Enter part dimensions using the Simple Geometry Creator. The dimensions are drawn on the screen while you enter them and missing information is automatically calculated.
Pocketing Cycles
Choose from a wide variety of pocket shapes. Then answer basic questions about the depth of cut, tool type and finish stock allowance.
Drilling Cycles
Choose from a wide variety of drill cycles including drill, deep hole drill, peck drill, bore, rigid tap, rigid peck tap and more.
3D Graphic Simulation
The 828-HS uses sophisticated solid model graphic verification to accurately show what your part will look like BEFORE you cut it. Also choose from wireframe or multiview screen.
Getting into one of these Fryer USA built Bed Mills with the Siemens 828-HS CNC control is easy, affordable and Fryer along with Rossi Machinery Services' staff will help you choose what options you want. Fryer prides itself on truly building you customized machine tool. Call for more information and get your new Fryer CNC Bed Mill.
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