Whenever we hear that our customers are looking for something different than what the large machine tools sales companies, large machine tool repair & rebuilding companies, we know we have succeeded!
In the early 90's after several years of providing services to the likes of Eaton Corporation, J.M. Smucker Co., and T.L.T. Babcock and numerous small manufacturing companies, we went full time.
The reason for our success? It is easy.

We offer our customers customer service that is hard to find these days. Your project matters to us.
We provide the finest work, products, accessories and more from the finest companies that have proven success.
We don't offer our customers products, machine tools, or services unless it will really benefit them. We have actually told customers that we can't help, knowing that they will remember our honest assessment and will return for something later.
That has happened to us more than once. We are told by that the customer that they appreciate our frank advise. Trust is not something you buy: It's earned.
Small? Maybe but we think that makes us different because we follow each project through with our staff working together to get the right solution for you.
We have a proven track record. We have customers that have been with us since our part time days.
Our reputation is solid. We worked hard to become a valued resource for our customers and the manufacturing industry.
We sell at low pricing but support all we sell and service.
Product lines that cover a lot of ground: JET Equipment Distributor, HEIDENHAIN Distributor, ACU-RITE® Distributor, ACER Machine Dealer and many more.
We want to be your one-stop-shop for all your machine shop's needs. Most of our distributorships date back over 25 years - that's a sign of our strength.

So many small businesses offer that personal touch, the quality that goes with all they do and the follow-up after the sale or service: We certainly do. For small businesses, gaining a customer is something that is special, it means a lot. Many, like us, have their name on the company. Our name, like our reputation, is so important to us. Other local businesses want to make you a repeat customer too. That's our bread and butter. Take a look around to maybe support your local businesses.

Located right here in Ashland, Ohio and serving Ohio from the heart of Ohio, we make you our focus. As an industrial equipment supplier for #woodworking , #metalworking and #individuals we have machine tools for sale, all types of equipment for all types of shops, Heidenhain for high-precision manufacturing, ACU-RITE® and ACER machines, all with the quality, performance and longevity that will increase your ability to compete. Come see us! 1529 Cottage Street, Ashland, OH 44805 or call 419-281-4488 or mrossi@rmscnc.com
For our #Cleveland, #Akron, #Columbus, #Toledo, #Canton & #Youngstown - use 866-622-4488 we can drop ship to you! #acu_rite #heidenhain, #Jetequipment #industrialequipment, #ACERMACHINERYDEALER, #fagorautomation #Baileigh, #Powermatic #Wilton #Edwards