When asked what can we do with our milling machine to improve its efficiency? We often say: "Let's start with the head." If you have a #steppulley #bridgeporthead, you most definitely need to read this post!
Gone are all the plastic keys, pulleys and old technology with the ACER E-Head™.

In their place? Technology that can actually solve your performance problems.
We sell A LOT of these heads.
They fit nicely on all #Bridgeports and almost ALL of Imported milling machines.
Our expert technicians can help you with determining this!
The #acerehead comes with:
A 3 HP high efficiency motor for high torque output.
CNC Vector Type A C Frequency Drive.
Infinite 0~4500 RPM Constant Spindle Speed. Change in No Time! (0-4 sec.)
The E-head™ can be run on Single or Three Phase without changing the wiring!
Low maintenance and downtime cost because of no plastic insert key and moving pulley.
NO RPM changer break down but accurate reading on RPM to prolong its life.
Electronic and Mechanical brake for High Torque Output
Boring and tapping application
Finally, you save on your energy costs up to 35%.
All this makes for a great solution to extending your mill's life. For Just $4,250.00 for the 3HP, R-8 Spindle 0~4500 RPM head, you cannot go wrong. Our machine tool technicians are fantastic salespeople; they know machines, sell only what they know is quality and we support all our product lines. See the flyer below: and call 866-622-4488 to order your new ACER E-Head™.
